Featuring Make Up by Paolette Aguilar & Hair Stylist Rebecca Rose Glidden

Sheer top: Forever21, American Flag Shorts: Pacsun, Hosiery and Attachable Stockings: Victoria Secret, Oversized Lennon Glasses: Venice Beach Boardwalk, Gold Chained Platforms: NASTYGAL
Photographer: Chelsey Rader
MUA: Paolette Aguilar (makeupbypaolette@gmail.com)
Hair Stylist/ Location MUA: Rebecca Rose Glidden (beccaglidden@gmail.com)
Stylist: Chelsey Rader
Model Featuring: Rebecca Rose Glidden (beccarose7902@gmail.com)
Decided to bring a little patriotism into this seductively edgy shoot. I've been getting into styling shorts with hosiery and straps lately. In my opinion its a simple way to add style to any look. But to really make a statement with this piece I highlighted shoes from NASTYGAL. With their pop of gold and an unusual amount of chains, each unique piece was pulled together to reflect another style that will be sure to make heads turn!
HUGE THANK YOU again to this shoots talented team!!

With Paolette as our experienced MUA and our double talented model as the hairstylist, this shoot was another strong one!
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